Matvei Matveev


2021 - Present | MA Painting, Royal College of Art

2020 - 2021 | Graduate Diploma in Art & Design, Royal College of Art

2014 - 2017 | BA War Studies, King’s College London

Selected Exhibitions

2022 | /ru:t/, Bermondsey Project Space, London

2022 | One Is Not Born But Rather Becomes…, MP Birla Millennium Art Gallery, London

2022 | Masculinity: Invalid Traits, Gallery 46, London

2022 | RAW, Soho Revue, London

2022 | Penumbral Zone, Gallery 46, London

2022 | Beyond Mountains, Coningsby Gallery, London

2022 | #Nationalism [aesthetics]: (Be)Longing, Rediscovering, Rebuilding Identities, KCL, London

2022 | WIP Show, Royal College of Art

2020 | Lingua Franker - A Shiftiest Show, Hoxton 253, London